Re: [SLUG] Road Runner Dilema (OT)

From: RavenBard (
Date: Mon Oct 24 2005 - 20:08:05 EDT

I'm not 100% if this will help you at all, but I work for Brighthouse and
the cable modems all have mac filtering and don't do well with switching
from device to device. The Digital Phone modem is worse than the regular
cable modem.
 This may not be whats causing your problems, but it may make
troubleshooting difficult, because you can plug it in and it wont get
connected, but you wont know if it's because the problem with the PC or the
fact that the DP modem is ignoring the new device. To ensure this is not a
problem, every single time your switch devices, you have to reset the DP
modem, by pushing the reset button on the back.
 I hope this helps you not spin your wheels.

 On 10/24/05, Branko <> wrote:
> This is a little off Linux subject, but is still tech.....
> I just cleaned up a windooze Me box for a friend (all the usual
> spyware/malware/virus stuff) and installed a NIC (Belkin F5D5000) in
> her 'puter; she had only a modem, since she was using AOL dial-up, but
> just signed up for RoadRunner.
> When I connected it to my router (WRT54G), it aquired IP address and
> got onto Internet OK. When I took it back to her house and connected
> it to her cable/telephone modem (Star-something, by Scientific
> Atlanta), it will not connect to Internet. After a call to Brighthouse
> (very nice lady on the phone) and some painfull troubleshooting steps
> slater, still no connection. I got out my laptop (running Fedora 4)
> and pluged it in to the modem, it connected w/o problems. From what I
> could see, TCP/IP is not binding to the network card, but I can't seem
> to find a way to fix it.
> So, off to Google I go, but any advise from the group would be gratly
> appreciated.
> Thanks
> ./B
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