On Tue, 1 Nov 2005, Mike Branda wrote:
> On Sat, 2005-10-29 at 14:18 -0400, Eben King wrote:
> > I just got a shiny new 1600x1200 LCD monitor. Yay. Yes, my video card
> > has a DVI output. Yay. Unfortunately, the new monitor didn't come
> > with a DVI cable. Boo.
> Have you read the manual on that thing yet?? We bought a 21" Samsung
> LCD here for one of our video editors and it only works 1600x1200 in
> standard VGA. DVI only gets us 1280x1024 for some dumb reason according
> to the manual. Found this out after we bought it. Argh!! Just a
> thought to watch out for.
That'd piss me off, considering that part of the reason I bought was that
it's got more pixels than my CRT. 1280x1024 not only doesn't, it's the
wrong shape, and LCDs don't deal nicely with other than their max
resolution. But, another part is that a guy (who doesn't work for Samsung
or Sam's Club) said he got one and likes it. While that doesn't exclude the
possibility that it sucks, that does tend to reduce it somewhat.
If it does, Sam's has a nice return policy last I checked; I may have to
make use of it.
Lessee... what passes for a "manual" with this is a "Quick Setup Guide",
which is in 14(!) languages. It's a single sheet, double-sided. There's no
mention of DVI or resolution on it. Maybe more info is online or on the
CD. Really useful if your monitor is kaputt.
So, I may yet make use of Sam's return policy.
-- -eben ebQenW1@EtaRmpTabYayU.rIr.OcoPm home.tampabay.rr.com/hactarHanlon's Razor: "Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity." Derived from Robert Heinlein
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