Mario Lombardo wrote:
>On Thursday 03 November 2005 10:15, Robert Snyder wrote:
>>botteman wrote:
>>>Robert Snyder wrote:
>>>>Mavrick wrote:
>>>>D. If you would please stop using HTML email highlighting as it
>>>>bother my eyes. Thank you.
>>>I think it's cool, and would like to know to do it. (Not on this
>>>list. of course.)
>>Use any mail client of mail service that support html email .
>>Thunderbird, hotmail, yahoo, gmail, both outlooks. i forgoet the tag
>>for it. but you can look it up in a html tag reference guide.
>AFAIK, you have to turn on the HTML reading preference. I don't get it. If
>your mail client has the HTML preference turned-on, why are you complaining
>about it? It's obviously a user choice. HTML emails contain two attachments
>(at least that's what it looks like in my clunky Kmail). One is plain, the
>other is HTML. My email client knows I prefer plain, so I never saw what you
>were talking about in this thread. In fact, I didn't know the NKS majordomo
>list allows any type of attachments. However, I see HTML emails all the
>time in a list of attachments (MIME) with other email, like succulent SPAM.
>I'd never read HTML though. It hurts my eyes and makes me do silly courting
When I am at my home machine it not a big deal as i dont see it because
of my thunderbird settings.
I was away from my homeoffice so I check the list via my gmail account
that I use just for archival purposes. and it was there nice and
bright. Offending my eyes.
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