Re: [SLUG] Politics, ethics etc.

From: steve szmidt (
Date: Sat Nov 19 2005 - 20:09:34 EST

On Saturday 19 November 2005 15:05, Ken Elliott wrote:
> >> It's also worth noting that the general level of morality and ethics in
> society has declined, exacerbating this whole problem.
> Throughout history, every generation has moaned that morality and ethics
> has declined. It's not clear that it has, because I know of no way to
> measure such a thing.

[Ah. What the hell... Here goes.]

Then you have to ask yourself what are morals and ethics? Having asked myself
that question a long time ago this the view I developed.

Morals and ethics are things which are basically policies to help the group
and individual in surviving better.

Morals are those actions perceived by a group to aid THEIR survival while
ethics are those things which actually aid ALL, or the biggest number,
towards survival.

Thus you might see a situation where it's immoral for a gangster to NOT kill a
cop when he has the opportunity, while we all know the ethical thing is to
stop being a gangster and make restitution.

In Africa I saw that littering was done to feed the Gods.

In an Arab country for example it's very rude to wave at them with the left
hand. Why? Because it's used to wipe yourself after a visit to the bathroom.
So there it's immoral to use the left hand for eating and such, as it's not
prosurvival. We on the other hand are used to using soap, and don't share his
morals on that issue.

Our government was built on the idea that big corporations (thus successful)
can go to Washington and lobby them with money. The idea (as I've construed
it) was that since successful people more educated, are thinking in terms of
responsible solutions for all, their words would be more valuable than yours
and mine.

We are after all looking at a time when people were willing to and indeed did
die for their convictions of a free America. Man stood tall.

Today, big business is operating on what is generating the best return to the
shareholders. Never mind if it pollutes nature. Never mind if less fortunate
people loose their homes, lives, etc. These are also the guys who have the
ears of the government.

One hundred years ago man was far more kinder to man. We left doors largely
unlocked and when we saw a stranger we greeted him. Offered him a chair and
food and drink.

Today we teach kids not to talk to strangers. Schools try, and too often
succeed, in putting them on mind altering drugs that are rated on the same
level as Cocain. In fact we passed a law, a few years back, to use
psychotropic drugs on three month old babies to stop them from "becoming
criminals when they grow up". How insane is that!?

If you were to dig up a dictionary from pre 1930 and read the definitions of
things like marriage, you'll want to cry because it's so beautiful. Morals
and ethics today basically refer back to each other in a circular definition
without any proper definition. I used to have one of those and it was very
enlightening to read.

So what happend about that time that would change so many definitons?

History tells us that Otto von Bismarck, the German military leader of his
day, wanted to overcome his soldiers dislike in killing others. So he went to
Wilheml Wundt, who studied the behaviors of ducks and things like that. He
asked him for help.

Wundt then presented this idea that through the centuries had never been even
vaguely considered until about 1863. Which was that man was basically from
mud. He was evil!

Therefor it was a GOOD thing to kill man.

That is date coinsident with the formation of a group of people who felt they
had to infiltrate schools, medicin, churches and families to win their way.
Which is to "remove the _burden_ of right and wrong from mankind". [My

This is a nasty piece of our history.

Nazi Germany was a byproduct. Cleaning up the race was cared for by Josef
Mengele. Who's bare name should make you shiver.

Eugenics was not a German idea it actually goes back to Darwin's cousin, but
it was practiced in California and funded by Rockefeller and Carnegie.
Ultimately, eugenics practitioners coercively sterilized some 60,000
Americans, barred the marriage of thousands, forcibly segregated thousands in
"colonies," and persecuted untold numbers in ways we are just learning.
Before World War II, nearly half of coercive sterilizations were done in
California, and even after the war, the state accounted for a third of all
such surgeries. See:

The Rockefeller Foundation helped found the German eugenics program and even
funded the program that Josef Mengele worked on as he went to Auschwitz.

Anyway. The point I'm demonstrating is that the world took a nosedive around
the 30's.

When I was a teenager in Sweden in the 70's, I predicted the fall of USSR as I
felt it operated on suicide policies. I was very interested in things related
to man. Growing up and frequently travelling Europe and later living in
Africa I got to see many nooks of the and crannies of life. I arrived in the
US in -85. Which widened my eyes on how well organized and controlled media
really is here. It becomes a brainwash over time as you only see news angles
that follows certain lines.

Few people look at what stopped other great civilizations. The Romans, the
Gaelics, Denmark, the list goes on and on.

It looks obvious to me that this civilization is also heading in the same
direction. I see tell tale signs all over. My best yardstick is sexual
behavior. Is it OK to be promiscious? Divorse rates? What about the ability
to have a good Education? What are the work ethics? Does anyone even know
what pride is? Pride in ones work and in one self.

It may seem OK with some that girls are walking around in see through
underwear. It may be very nice and sexy! But what does it do, what effect and
message does it send out?

Certainly not that girls should be treated nicely. Quite the opposite. Young
males can get in a electric kind of state by all the nudity he does not know
what is OK anymore. Girls think that's how you need to be. Like a vicious

These are not the values our parents grew up with.

You may feel they lived unhappy lives unable to get divorsed, and certainly
you may have seen bad examples of family lives. But I can tell you that a kid
who grew up in the -50's had better values in life than todays young
Americans. Not that it was all good, but for sure better.

I'm also a single parent of a 15 year old daughter. Who's very self
sufficient. Does most of the cooking and cleaning, and likes it. Because
she's keeping her exchange in with me, and feel the best reward is the
knowledge that she did a good job.

She's very outspoken and at the same time very caring. Her english and math is
in the 99 and 98 percentile in the US, and has no patients for people on

But she's also a clear minority. Being tall and very cherful, other kids try
(or actually, used to, try) to make fun of her. She tells me how sorry she
feels for them because they obviously don't know what they are talking about.

Most of the kids she see are not doing well by any decent standards. On street
and or psych drugs. Very sexually immoral. Sometimes armed. Feel they have to
fend for themselves against society.

When I grew up we saw some of that but not very much. Today it's a very
reversed situation. Tell me you don't see the same. When I travelled the mid
west some 8 years ago there was so much drugs I was shocked. And I had lived
in Los Angeles for ten years before that.


Steve Szmidt

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