steve szmidt wrote:
>Today, big business is operating on what is generating the best return to the
>shareholders. Never mind if it pollutes nature. Never mind if less fortunate
>people loose their homes, lives, etc. These are also the guys who have the
>ears of the government.
I agree with this point. Modern big business doesn't really care who
will be the victims of their profits. (ie Phillip Morris...)
>One hundred years ago man was far more kinder to man. We left doors largely
>unlocked and when we saw a stranger we greeted him. Offered him a chair and
>food and drink.
I remember unlocked doors within my lifetime, and I am still wet behind
the ears! :-) But, I have to agree that those times are now over.
>If you were to dig up a dictionary from pre 1930 and read the definitions of
>things like marriage, you'll want to cry because it's so beautiful. Morals
>and ethics today basically refer back to each other in a circular definition
>without any proper definition. I used to have one of those and it was very
>enlightening to read.
It's becoming fairly common practice now to alter the wedding vows to
"as long as we both shall love." True love knows no statute of
limitations, though. It shouldn't make a difference, and yet we wonder
why divorce runs so rampant in our country. People ought to read more
Chuck Swindall before making any life decisions.
>When I was a teenager in Sweden in the 70's, I predicted the fall of USSR as I
>felt it operated on suicide policies. I was very interested in things related
>to man. Growing up and frequently travelling Europe and later living in
>Africa I got to see many nooks of the and crannies of life. I arrived in the
>US in -85. Which widened my eyes on how well organized and controlled media
>really is here. It becomes a brainwash over time as you only see news angles
>that follows certain lines.
>Few people look at what stopped other great civilizations. The Romans, the
>Gaelics, Denmark, the list goes on and on.
...China, Egypt, Greece...
>It looks obvious to me that this civilization is also heading in the same
>direction. I see tell tale signs all over. My best yardstick is sexual
>behavior. Is it OK to be promiscious? Divorse rates? What about the ability
>to have a good Education? What are the work ethics? Does anyone even know
>what pride is? Pride in ones work and in one self.
Yes, people in general have adopted a self-defeating acceptance of
mediocrity. It is embarassing, disgusting and nauseating.
>It may seem OK with some that girls are walking around in see through
>underwear. It may be very nice and sexy! But what does it do, what effect and
>message does it send out?
>Certainly not that girls should be treated nicely. Quite the opposite. Young
>males can get in a electric kind of state by all the nudity he does not know
>what is OK anymore. Girls think that's how you need to be. Like a vicious
And girls get the benefit of such great role models as Paras Hilton, Pam
Anderson, Anna Nicole, Brittney Spears, Christina Aguilera, and shows
like Sex and the City, Desperate Housewives, so on and so forth. No, we
aren't telling young people what's right any more, or if we are, they
are getting terribly mixed messages. And then they are handed condoms
in school because well, "they are going to do it anyway." Well, sure
they are with that attitude!
Anyway, yes, I agree with the thoughts on the rapid decline in our
society. For all the great things that have happened in our society in
the last couple of hundred years, (women's rights, racial equality,
etc.), there have been at least that many horrible things to happen,
(welfare dependance as eximplified in hurricane-stricken LA, society's
engineered virtually mandatory two-income family, and widespread
>These are not the values our parents grew up with.
No, this is not the world that those before us grew up in. Yes, evil
was inherent in people back then as it is now, but it seems like people
today are so much more willing to shrug their shoulders and accept it
rather than trying to live it down and due the right thing despite thier
own selfish nature.
Yeah! Go Linux!
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