Robert Snyder wrote:
> It all depends on what you are looking to emulate on the ppc platform
> OSX/other nix based OSes then you cant beat PearPC which does run
> faster than my 400mhz G3 B/W system which runs OSX 10.4 just fine.
> There have been improvements too it and my copy of pear pc with all
> the tweaks and such boots with in 2-3 minutes a little slower than my
> 400mhz the biggest problem is video draw rates. There is a on going
> discussion in how you could treat the OSX desktop as a 3d enviroment
> and pass opengl calls to the host system for faster preformance.
> If your just looking to run Mac OS classic Like OS 8.5 8.6 9.x then
> you would want to try the Sheepshaver project that runs MacOS 8.x-9.x
> PPC builds and is very fast emulator and does it job quite well.
> PPC development enviroment well the best solution there would be a
> commerical project from Virtuatec called Simics There cpu core runs at
> near native speeds it does not have what I would call video support
> this is strictly for running CLI nix OSes so you can compile and test
> development of ppc nix applications or to be used as part of a compile
> farm.
> On 11/28/05, *Eben King* <
> <>> wrote:
> On Mon, 28 Nov 2005, michael hast wrote:
> > Hey, guys!
> >
> > Jim got me started on a thought here. Do any of you have any
> > experience with Power PC emulation on x86? My recent
> experimentation
> > with Qemu has got me thinking about that as well, it's not all
> Jim's fault.
> PearPC works, but it's
> glacial. I'm talking,
> half an hour to boot on a 2GHz x86.
> --
> -eben ebQenW1@EtaRmpTabYayU.rIr.OcoPm
> <mailto:ebQenW1@EtaRmpTabYayU.rIr.OcoPm>
> <>
> LEO: Now is not a good time to photocopy your butt and staple
> it to your boss' face, oh no. Eat a bucket of tuna-flavored pudding
> and wash it down with a gallon of strawberry Quik. -- Weird Al
Well, those are a couple of completely different reviews of the same
app! Controversy means it's probably worth looking at! :-)
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