Re: [SLUG] Just can't remember

From: Eben King (
Date: Sun Feb 26 2006 - 22:38:43 EST

On Sun, 26 Feb 2006, Bob Stia wrote:

> Hello Sluggers,
> Need to mount my system to edit a file from the rescue system
> so I can boot my unbootable SuSE 10.
> Beware of Kdebase3 for a few days. They put a 10.1 rpm in there.
> For the life of me I cannot remember how to do that. Course I have lots of
> notes and stuff but they are all on the unbootable syste.
> Would really appreciate a quick reminder once I am at root in the rescue
> mode.

If by "mount my system" you mean "mount partition 1 on my computer's
internal IDE hard drive", and by "root" you mean "root user" (not "root
directory"), and by "rescue system" you mean "a bootable CD with utilities",
then: "mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/temp". Make sure (1) that is the disk
you want to use; (2) that is the partition you want to mount; and (3)
/mnt/temp (or wherever you choose to mount it) actually exists. Mkdir it if
it doesn't (or choose a different place).

-eben    ebQenW1@EtaRmpTabYayU.rIr.OcoPm

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