[SLUG] Contractual Education

From: nick velez (velez_nick@yahoo.com)
Date: Mon Feb 27 2006 - 10:11:15 EST

Hello All,
  I recently read an article on contractual education. The article described organizations around the world that sponsor a student's full time education in return for a commitment to work a specified amount of time for that organization after graduation. In essence, students would basically get their degrees and be guaranteed a job upon graduation. These would primarily be doctors, scientists, engineers, and overall PhD's who would dedicate their work to the government. One particular institution is the Cuban government. Unfortunately, the article was rather short and did not highlight any US-based organizations.
  I myself am an engineering student, and am rather curious as to what the possibility would be of pursuing a PhD via a similar program (outside of joining the armed forces) . I've heard of large corporations like IBM, and Microsoft having offered contractual education, but have never seen anything in writing. Does anyone know of any organizations that offer contractual education? What would be the pro's and con's of undergoing such a program?

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