Re: [SLUG] kernel version?

From: Eben King (
Date: Mon Feb 27 2006 - 11:18:24 EST

On Mon, 27 Feb 2006, steve szmidt wrote:

> On Monday 27 February 2006 00:31, Paul M Foster wrote:
>> I can't stress enough how simple this is. I've now done this about three
>> times on various boxes and various NVidia cards, and it went smoothly
>> every time. Bottom line: don't worry about your kernel and such. Just
>> build whatever you think you need for the kernel. And let NVidia worry
>> about the drivers afterward.
> I want ot chime in on what Paul said. Earlier on you had to get a new driver
> every time you updated the kernel. And if there were no driver done for that
> kernel version you had to wait. But then they unified their drivers and made
> them work with any new kernel release. All you have to do is rerun the self
> installing driver, which then relinks with the new kernel. Very smooth.

The ipw2100 driver isn't integrated into the kernel, and doesn't work across
kernel versions. But "make ; make install" is easier than
"./" and answering a bunch of yes/no

> In my eyes there really is nothing evil about not having the source code
> for a driver.

Well, it indicates that the manufacturer doesn't want anybody but them (and
maybe their "friends") writing a driver. Maybe there are bugs,
inefficiences or security holes in their code? Who knows?

> The fact is that Nvidia is doing a great job with their drivers. They are
> tightly developed to work with Linux. Much more so than ATI.

Agreed. It's nice to have drivers that work well.

> I must have done 10's of installs with it and I cannot complain at all. Sure
> it would be easier not having to compile. Sure it would be easier if Nvidia
> released the driver so it could be included in your distro. But they are
> concerned over ATI and don't want to give them the leg up.

Heck, I wish I didn't have to rerun the installer every time I left runlevel
5. It's probably something simple like "the driver's not loaded".

-eben    ebQenW1@EtaRmpTabYayU.rIr.OcoPm

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