Re: [SLUG] select() on a serial port

From: Dylan William Hardison (
Date: Thu Jun 29 2006 - 08:17:43 EDT

Spake Bill Glidden on Wednesday, June 28, 2006 at 11:53PM -0400:
> I'm trying, in vain, to get the select() call to work on a serial port I've
> opened. I need this program to poll the serial port for input occasionally,
> but select() doesn't seem to do the trick for me here. It just times out.
> Are there any specific tricks to getting select() to work on a serial port?

I'm not sure select() works with serial ports... I seem to remember
async serial ports needing the program to trap SIGIO and do some other weird

Anyway, libevent [1] is a wrapper around (e)poll, select() and other
asynchronous I/O functions. It chooses the best one available, and does
support serial ports. If there is any black magic for serial ports +
select(), I would expect its source code to have it.


"And she sang A-litta-doo-de-litta-doo-da-litta-doo-da-dee 
 She-hiddle-dum-adee-she-hiddle-dum-a-dee and she-landae"
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