On 9/4/06, Pete S. <linux@myraandpete.net> wrote:
> Joe Brandt wrote:
> >For the rest of you non cell phone using people.
> >
> >Electronic Serial Number (ESN) - The unique identification number
> embedded in
> >a wireless phone by the manufacturer. Each time a call is placed, the ESN
> is
> >automatically transmitted to the base station so the wireless carrier's
> >mobile switching office can check the call's validity. The ESN cannot
> easily
> >be altered in the field. The ESN differs from the mobile identification
> >number, which is the wireless carrier's identifier for a phone in the
> >network. MINs and ESNs can be electronically checked to help prevent
> fraud.
> >
> >Thanks Logan I learned something.
> >
> >
> My wife & me use unlocked GSM phones, which use SIM cards. We can use
> different service carriers (GSM.... Cingular, T-mobile & others), by
> inserting a SIM card from that particular carrier. Process takes about
> 30 seconds to switch carrier. If there is a ESN (with GSM), it would
> most likely be SIM card related.
Pete S.
If you read my post you would notice that GSM has IMEI numbers, while they
do not authenicate the phone like an ESN does on the CDMA side the IMEI can
be used to blacklist stolen phones. Most carriers have shared stolen IMEI
to keep the phones from working no mater who sim card you put in. What
would happen in GSM land would be the phone would turn on get a signal but
you would not be able to make a call even though you just made a call from
the same sim card just a different phone.
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