Re: [SLUG] Verizon V620 dropping calls in less than a minute

From: Pete Theisen (
Date: Sun Sep 10 2006 - 05:35:41 EDT

On Wednesday 06 September 2006 13:38, John Pugh wrote:

Hi John!

I forwarded this link to the tech guy and then went to his house with the card
and the box. After hours of trying everything including the stuff on your
link he finally found it.

It turned out to be some obscure email setting that was supposed to be 512
instead of 513 or something like that. (pulling the numbers out of the air, I
don't remember the exact details) People used to have this problem all the
time, then it got fixed and no one had it, now the Verizon folks have
resurrected it with their latest "upgrade". I think it is in the KPPD
settings somewhere.

When an email would come in it would drop the connection. If no email came it
would stay up until one did.

As of this moment it has been on for 7:04 and is still working, email and
browse. I guess that was it, whatever it was.



> The instructions I used were found here
> .
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