Re: [SLUG] XFS, Reiser, and Ext3

From: William Coulter (
Date: Mon Sep 11 2006 - 15:53:55 EDT

I am using it for an everyday usage. Standard home os, but I do try and keep lots of ISOs handy.
I have found that it runs smoothly from the hard drive and not from a cd. I do try and burn them
at least once to a cd. I hope tonight that I can redo my system with Ext3. There are times when
I am running on a different PC and I don't have the ISO there, so that is why I am thinking of a
file server. I do have a new 250gig drive that I could use. That is the drive that I was trying
to backup to before it crashed and burned. It could be fun.


--- steve szmidt <> wrote:

> What are you using your filesystem for anyway? These other fs has each some
> specific areas where they shine, but unless you have some serious activities
> I doubt you'd see much difference. There are also issues where your fs normal
> tools are not compatible with them. That can cause confusions and problems.
> Unfortunatley I've not stayed on top of them to be more specific, but I'm sure
> others here have.
> It all seems too much like an unusual solution. It could be fun and
> interesting and those kinds of things, but otherwise likely to be more
> trouble than value in the end.
> (Don't get me wrong, I would love to have the time to play with different fs,
> but my time tend to be more targeted towards other things and I get the idea
> you don't want to mess around too much with it either.)
> --
> Steve Szmidt
> "To enjoy the right of political self-government, men must be
> capable of personal self-government - the virtue of self-control.
> A people without decency cannot be secure in its liberty.
> From the Declaration Principles
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