Re: [SLUG] {SPAM?} Rumors of demise

From: Logan Tygart (
Date: Wed Sep 13 2006 - 20:20:37 EDT

On Wed, 2006-09-13 at 18:10 -0400, Robin 'Roblimo' Miller wrote:

> ...and there's also the question of who the presentations are for.
> High-end sysadmins and new users don't have the same information needs.
> My newly-hired (and new to Linux) reporter, Lisa Hoover, would probably
> love a presentation on how to customize Gnome and KDE desktops. Logan
> Tygart wouldn't be interested.

Sure I would. I'd show the interested how they can use the GIMP to
create their own skins. Heck I made 10% of the XMMS themes, on
Freshmeat, teaching myself the GIMP.
> The infamous SSLUG is pretty much hanging out, and is now divorced from
> the regular meetings. But both Lisa and Logan can happily attend -- and
> drink beer and discuss football. (Lisa is a Bucs season ticket holder.)

It has always been divorced from the regular meetings. Anyone who is
over 21 and has an interest can find out more


> Come to think of it, if *you* want to wander over this Sunday, no one is
> stopping you. Football fandom and beer-love are not required. Some talk
> may be about computers (and I naturally have an open wireless network),
> but we may also discuss sailing, women/men, TV shows, politics,
> gardening, and whatever else turns us on at the moment.

Football good! Fire bad!

> Never forget: The people you meet through a LUG may not be the most
> socially adept folks in the world, but they're all pretty smart -- and
> therefore worth getting to know better in general.

Or at least they're worth an evening of people watching.

The Logan

I installed a skylight in my apartment...The people who live above me are furious. -- Steven Wright
Registered Linux User: 277727

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