Re: [SLUG] {SPAM?} Rumors of demise

From: Craig Zeigler (
Date: Thu Sep 14 2006 - 11:05:50 EDT

Logan Tygart wrote:
> On Wed, 2006-09-13 at 15:49 -0400, Robert Snyder wrote:
>> On 9/13/06, Paul M Foster <> wrote:
>> Dylan William Hardison wrote:
> <snip>
>> The last I heard of the sarasota meetings from my personal experience
>> is almost none of the drunks attented they do all there planning on
>> there irc channel and website.
> God bless you Wee Robby, I'm going to have to set my beer down to add
> that to "The Book of Weenese."
> The Logan
If you're going to call us drunks, think about who you are talking
about. Most of us are admin types (DerLogan, Cleancut, Austin, Myself,
perhaps others) and then ask yourself why we drink... Anyone who has
ever spent any time in IT knows that users make us drink (on top of the
fact that alcohol is just so dern tasty)

Second, we use IRC and the websites because we're consumed by
technology... Why shouldn't we use the tools we've built?

Finally, the hallowed Book of Weenese is always growing, and should be
considered, like many as a work in progress. Perhaps when there are many
more entries, it'll get published. At one point there was an attempt to
put it into wikipedia, but the jackasses that rule wikipedia with an
iron flipper decided it was derogatory and removed it...

Craig Zeigler
Network Administrator
Caldwell Trust Company
201 Center Road Venice, Florida 34292
(941) 493-3600
(941) 496-4660 Fax 

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