Re: [SLUG] how can you improve this?

From: steve szmidt (
Date: Mon Sep 18 2006 - 11:21:23 EDT

On Monday 18 September 2006 09:41, Levi Bard wrote:
> > Ok this is a easy one simply modify the forumla and sned it down to
> > sarasota for tasting . The number one cola is Coca-Cola it out sells
> > pepsi 2 to 1 ( though pepsi has them beat ever where else I.E. sports
> > drinks , bottle water, etc)
> >
> > You get ti to taste like Coke then you hae your self a winner.
> People have this same attitude toward open source software, and it
> bugs me. Why should opencola be made to taste just like Coke?! We
> already have Coke! Why not try for something better?

I think getting a better cola than the original would be great. Coke did get
it right and won our "hearts". So getting as good as Coke to start with would
not be a bad accomplishment.

Otherwise it seems that what you are saying is that OSS is not aiming high

If so, one could argue both ways as there are many better product than the
commercial counterpart. Ditto there are worse, but that's obviously due to
the difference in quality, and enough funds to live on, between developers,
OSS or not.

Otherwise we have seen that overall OSS code looks better, has fewer bugs.


Steve Szmidt

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