Personally I think the guy is an anachronism who doesn't have a firm grasp
of reality. I have read other items about him and it seems his ego is
getting in the way of progress.
If Linus Torvalds is the anti-Bill Gates, RMS is the socialist Bill Gates.
On 10/16/06, steve szmidt <> wrote:
> On Monday 16 October 2006 10:23, Levi Bard wrote:
> > > I think a more interesting view is that Stallman and all his antics,
> does
> > > seem to believe in some utopian society. He is waay out there, and
> though
> > > we should be grateful that his ideas coincided with Linus, does not
> mean
> > > we are forever doing what he says.
> >
> > Sure, every idealist believes in some kind of utopia. What RMS has
> > shown is that it's possible for one to be an idealist, yet succeed in
> > the real world without compromising one's ideals. I find this
> > refreshing in the face of all the, "Let's face it: in the real world
> > blah blah blah..." crap I see spouted all over the place wrt Free
> > Software.
> Yeah, can't fault that. I live with my ideals which I find not being very
> mainstream. The big thing that I agree about it is that in order to get
> anywhere you have to shoot for the stars, then you might get to the top of
> the trees.
> I just don't really agree with his totalitarian approach. If some want to
> and
> can sell their software then they should.
> Let the market decide.
> I used to sell my code and now I'm trying to sell services with my code.
> Idealistically I don't think there's anything in there worth any beans.
> Same with money, guns etc. They never did anything, there's always some
> person
> doing what should not be done, one cannot blame objects. I feel the same
> about any product or service you may offer.
> Anyway this is quickly going in a political direction.
> Just stricktly software wise -- all models should be allowed to exists.
> Selling, renting, leasing or giving away on any type of license must be
> allowed.
> When one approaches extremes, things tend to start to go wrong really
> fast.
> I find wars and abuse non productive and should be avoided. Does not mean
> I
> would not kill if I had no other choice. Of course it's best never to get
> into a position where you need to in the first place.
> RS is too totalitarian in my eyes and would cause more damage than good if
> implemented without care.
> --
> Steve Szmidt
> "To enjoy the right of political self-government, men must be
> capable of personal self-government - the virtue of self-control.
> A people without decency cannot be secure in its liberty.
> From the Declaration Principles
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