On Saturday 21 October 2006 19:50, Paul M Foster wrote:
> Bob Stia wrote:
> > Hello Sluggers,
> >
> > The old guy is vision impaired and is beginning to have a lot of trouble
> > seeing the keys on the keyboard. Decided to get a backlit keyboard.
> >
> > Googling around amd looking at hardware vendors I find that there are
> > quite a few offered from $15 to $400. Now I know I don't want the cheapo
> > and can't afford the other end, and besides that I have no idea how
> > effective or readable they are.
> >
> > So the OT question is: Do any of you have experience with them or can
> > make a reccomendation?? Prefer PS2
> As previously mentioned, touch typing is the real answer. However:
> Large keyboard legends (yellow keys with black legends), USB keyboard
> with a PS/2 adapter. Only problem is that the keyboard layout is the new
> "Microsoft" layout for the edit keys. But if you're not a touch typist,
> it may not matter. $34.95.
> http://www.cyberguys.com/templates/searchdetail.asp?productID=10391
> Or:
> Same as above but with black keys and white legends:
> http://www.cyberguys.com/templates/searchdetail.asp?productID=11270
> Or:
> As above, but keyboard and keys are white with black legends:
> http://www.cyberguys.com/templates/searchdetail.asp?productID=11271
> Or:
> Backlit, but with the standard layout ($44.97):
> http://www.cyberguys.com/templates/searchdetail.asp?productID=11141
> I'm guessing that the "large legend" keyboard is more what you want,
> rather than a backlit one, unless you insist in working in low light
> conditions.
> I can't vouch for the quality of these products, but for weird
> hard-to-find stuff, I love Cyberguys. You can get on their mailing list,
> and they'll send you a paper catalog once in a while, with everything
> you could ever want to build PCs, repair PCs, etc.
> Paul
Thanks Paul. Wi;; check them out, and Yes both you and Ron are correct abput
touch typing. I am kind of a half-touch type user.
Bob s.
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