1. Only use RG6QS especially for data useage only use RG6QS! Which is
different from RG6. QS has from interference shielding layers. Used in
highend stellite installs and perferbably cable internet installs.
2. If you DYI then do it right. Do not use Hex Crimps, Do use Compression
crimps preferablly digicons ( crimping tool is approx 80 but can be found
cheaper ) The reason why you should not use hex crimps is the fact they A.
Most people put them on wrong. B. Even when using the nicest of outdoor
rated silcone filled crimps Mostore stills fines it way in. and oxides the
shileding and the copper core. Compression crimps are complete different.
Compressions crimps are perfectly run they look professional and keep the
mostiore out.
3. High quality spliter not the cheapy things you pick up from home depot or
whatever. and when you do split the cable off it should be right after it
leaves the ground block and aka when the cable meets your house you split it
there. ( Note your cable company might be idiotns and did not put a ground
block in. ( call them up and insist they bring the wiring up to NEC code.
4. Just call the Cable company tell them about the fuzz on the tv upstairs
and how that jack is also the one use for your modem and your crappy speeds
and they will come out to fix it.
This list is provided as an unmoderated internet service by Networked
Knowledge Systems (NKS). Views and opinions expressed in messages
posted are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the
official policy or position of NKS or any of its employees.
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