Re: [SLUG] TO: Dell survey

From: SOTL (
Date: Wed Mar 14 2007 - 14:02:04 EST

On Wednesday 14 March 2007 10:48, Steve Schmidt wrote:
> On Wednesday 14 March 2007 11:18, William Coulter wrote:
> > I don't know how much this will make any change but here is your chance
> > to do something about it. Dell has a survey out and wants everyone to
> > fill it out. lets see what this Linux Community can really do. If we
> > can get a BIG company to change like this, it will help bring Linux up
> > from the closets and to computer stores. In my opinion, Dell is doing it
> > right while Novell is not.
> >
> > William
> They have already let us know it's not going to happen for some time to
> come. It cost them too much to "tool" up to deliver and support. Every time
> it came to this point they played along until it came to deliver then no
> can do.

The simplest way for any OEM to do this would be to build a Linux compatible
laptop and then simply ship a box set of Linux (Red Hat, SuSE, Mandriva
Ubitoo (sp=?) et with each computer as a start.

Linux compatible that is a computer whose hardware is not some weird
proprietary system that when the leading distributions like Debian are
installed all components work. That implies that modems are not win modems
but full complete workable modems, that the configuration program will
configure them and this applies equally to LAN and WiFI which lately have
been suffering the same issues that modems do.

Simple when one thinks of it.

But what the OEM want to do is puss off some piece of cheap crappie junk which
does not have open source drivers and requires proprietary programs to work.
This is not going to happen simply because no open source drivers will ever
be written when the specifications are unknown.

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