Re: [SLUG] connection sharing without a router

From: steve szmidt (
Date: Sun Jul 08 2007 - 10:51:33 EDT

On Sunday 08 July 2007 10:31, chris lee wrote:
> the current craptastic router i have only allow 32 rules and dont
> allow port ranges.
> so i get to only open 32 ports TOTAL.
> i want to make that win32 system have no restrictions, any port it
> wants it gets, so i need to open all of them.

That's a really bad idea. Why would you want to put your windows computer at
such risk?

Do you mean that it can reach anything or be reached?

If you have a problem reaching out then you either have a misunderstood, or a
misconfigured router.

A router does not have a 32 port limit, that's specific to that router. For
security reasons I only use OpenBSD as my border gateway (router). There's no
port limit nor would there be one on Linux. (Except for using up all
available memory if there's some very very small amount installed, which is
easily avoided by having enough.)


Steve Szmidt

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