Re: [SLUG] Newbie Sysadmin's Journal

From: Bob Foxworth (
Date: Mon Jul 09 2007 - 13:08:25 EDT

> Long story short, I now have a need to learn how to build an internet
> web server from scratch. I've signed up with for a
> virtual server account
> So I'm busy looking up things, reading books and man pages. And
> track of what I do, so I don't forget later.
> My question is whether you might be interested in this as well. If so,
> I'll put up a page somewhere, so you can look over what I've found and
> learn some things yourself, or comment on where I've made mistakes.
> won't be an every day thing. I'll contribute journal entries as I have
> Let me know if you're interested.
> Paul

Absolutely! - Bob

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