Re: [SLUG] lm_sensors

From: Levi Bard (
Date: Fri Jul 13 2007 - 07:36:02 EDT

> Anyone here using lm_sensors. I've been trying to have it give me proper
> readings for quite awhile now and am having no luck. I cannot make any sense
> of the /etc/sensors.conf file to make my changes. It lists at least a dozen
> different chipsets with options on all of them. Some are commented out and
> many others are not. I can find my chipset but the options seem to make no
> sense to me. Here is my output from sensors.
> ...
> PS The MB is an MSI

If you google for your motherboard's model (or post it to the list),
it's very likely that somebody has already created a sensors.conf
specifically for it. In fact, Tyan distributes (or did for the S2875
at least) sensors.conf files that /they've/ created for their

something = cheese(manatee){ begin learjet.each |mustard| do cthulhu{
mustard } end rescue yield ensure return end }
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