[SLUG] lm_sensors

From: Bob Stia (rnr@sanctum.com)
Date: Thu Jul 12 2007 - 23:58:02 EDT

Hello Sluggers

Anyone here using lm_sensors. I've been trying to have it give me proper
readings for quite awhile now and am having no luck. I cannot make any sense
of the /etc/sensors.conf file to make my changes. It lists at least a dozen
different chipsets with options on all of them. Some are commented out and
many others are not. I can find my chipset but the options seem to make no
sense to me. Here is my output from sensors.

bob@EasyStreet:~> sensors
Adapter: ISA adapter
VCore: +1.54 V (min = +0.70 V, max = +1.87 V)
+12V: +12.40 V (min = +7.78 V, max = +5.17 V) ALARM
+3.3V: +0.45 V (min = +1.15 V, max = +0.29 V) ALARM
+5V: +5.09 V (min = +5.12 V, max = +2.03 V) ALARM
-12V: +0.80 V (min = -2.25 V, max = -14.91 V) ALARM
V5SB: +5.13 V (min = +2.66 V, max = +2.18 V) ALARM
VBat: +3.62 V (min = +0.80 V, max = +0.14 V) ALARM
fan1: 3169 RPM (min = 27000 RPM, div = 2) ALARM
CPU Fan: 5769 RPM (min = -1 RPM, div = 2) ALARM
fan3: 0 RPM (min = 168750 RPM, div = 2) ALARM
M/B Temp: +46°C (high = +70°C, hyst = +2°C) sensor = thermistor
CPU Temp: +34.5°C (high = +80°C, hyst = +75°C) sensor = diode
temp3: -48.0°C (high = +80°C, hyst = +75°C) sensor = thermistor
          Sound alarm enabled


Here is what I think is the pertinent section of the huge file.

chip "w83782d-*" "w83627hf-*"

# Same as above for w83781d except that in5 and in6 are computed differently.
# Rather than an internal inverting op amp, the 82d/83s use standard positive
# inputs and the negative voltages are level shifted by a 3.6V reference.
# The math is convoluted, so we hope that your motherboard
# uses the recommended resistor values.

    label in0 "VCore 1"
    label in1 "VCore 2"
    label in2 "+3.3V"
    label in3 "+5V"
    label in4 "+12V"
    label in5 "-12V"
    label in6 "-5V"
    label in7 "V5SB"
    label in8 "VBat"

# Abit BP6 motherboard has a few differences. VCore1 and VCore2 are the core
# voltages of the two processors. Vtt is memory bus termination resistors
# voltage.
# label in1 "Vtt"
# label in8 "VCore2"

    compute in3 ((6.8/10)+1)*@ , @/((6.8/10)+1)
    compute in4 ((28/10)+1)*@ , @/((28/10)+1)
    compute in5 (5.14 * @) - 14.91 , (@ + 14.91) / 5.14
    compute in6 (3.14 * @) - 7.71 , (@ + 7.71) / 3.14
    compute in7 ((6.8/10)+1)*@ , @/((6.8/10)+1)

# adjust this if your vid is wrong; see doc/vid
# set vrm 9.0

# set limits to 5% for the critical voltages
# set limits to 10% for the non-critical voltages
# set limits to 20% for the battery voltage

# set in0_min vid*0.95
# set in0_max vid*1.05
# set in1_min vid*0.95
# set in1_max vid*1.05
# set in2_min 3.3 * 0.95
# set in2_max 3.3 * 1.05
# set in3_min 5.0 * 0.95
# set in3_max 5.0 * 1.05
# set in4_min 12 * 0.90
# set in4_max 12 * 1.10
# set in5_max -12 * 0.90
# set in5_min -12 * 1.10
# set in6_max -5 * 0.95
# set in6_min -5 * 1.05
# set in7_min 5 * 0.95
# set in7_max 5 * 1.05
# set in8_min 3.0 * 0.80
# set in8_max 3.0 * 1.20

# set up sensor types (thermistor is default)
# 1 = PII/Celeron Diode; 2 = 3904 transistor;
# 3435 = thermistor with Beta = 3435
# If temperature changes very little, try 1 or 2.
# set sensor1 1
# set sensor2 2
# set sensor3 3435

# examples for temperature limits
# set temp1_over 40
# set temp1_hyst 37
# set temp2_over 52
# set temp2_hyst 47
# set temp3_over 52
# set temp3_hyst 47

Bob S

PS The MB is an MSI


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