[SLUG] hardware ? and Linux

From: William Coulter (wrcoulter33@gmail.com)
Date: Mon Jan 07 2008 - 08:19:14 EST

I am looking into building another PC. I think that my PC is dieing and I
want a working one before it finally dies. I see all these intel duo and
quad CPUs. Are they 64bit processors? Is that what you are going to buy
these days? As you can tell, I haven't bought a PC in years. Is 64bit
Linux mature enough for an install and run? What do you recommend: intel or
AMD? Please no flames here. I have seen some Motherboards with Nvida SLI
chip sets on board. What is it? Is it a video card? Does it work with
Linux? I would like to run 8gigs of RAM, but not right now. I will be
making it my expansion buy for next year. I want to be able to run some
virtualization of XP so I can play games and virtualize other Linux's for

Thanks for any help,

PS. what is bad, is the fact that I used to know this kind of stuff like the
back of my hand.

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