On Monday 07 January 2008, William Coulter wrote:
> I am looking into building another PC. I think that my PC is dieing and I
> want a working one before it finally dies. I see all these intel duo and
> quad CPUs. Are they 64bit processors? Is that what you are going to buy
> these days? As you can tell, I haven't bought a PC in years. Is 64bit
> Linux mature enough for an install and run? What do you recommend: intel
> or AMD? Please no flames here. I have seen some Motherboards with Nvida
> SLI chip sets on board. What is it? Is it a video card? Does it work
> with Linux? I would like to run 8gigs of RAM, but not right now. I will
> be making it my expansion buy for next year. I want to be able to run some
> virtualization of XP so I can play games and virtualize other Linux's for
> learning.
> Thanks for any help,
> William
> PS. what is bad, is the fact that I used to know this kind of stuff like
> the back of my hand.
I had not used anything but 32 bit after being disappointed on 64 bit issues a
few years ago. Before Xmas I put together a system to do video editing and I
went all the way with overclockable mother board, quad core etc.
I installed 32 bit and 64 bit fedora and really like the speed difference.
There are still odd things not included like Konqueror has a tool you can
activate which automatically reloads a web page. It is not included in the 64
bit. I got a nVidia 8000 series and will run dual video cards at some point.
Right now I'm very happy to use 64 bit. The additional RAM really helps when
doing virtualization as you are no longer limited to about 3G RAM.
The little extra overhead of RAM use on a 64 bit processor is not really
noticeable. Certainly the ability to use all that you can fit into the board
is very nice.
It tends to be true that you should spend as much as you can afford and take
advantage of the extra clock cycles.
On a quad core you can see how it is mostly using one or two cores for most
apps but kicking in when you fire up more things. Very nice!
--Steve Szmidt
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