Re: [SLUG] Thunderbird - Starts at the bottom of the email?!?! WHY GOD WHY

From: steve szmidt (
Date: Wed Jan 23 2008 - 11:58:08 EST

On Wednesday 23 January 2008, Robin 'Roblimo' Miller wrote:
> > One of the reasons bottom posting gets a bad rap is because people
> > neglect to *trim* unnecessary content from prior posts when quoting.
> Yup. Many don't even trim automated list footers.
> Really, people (and other on this list), you don't need to quote more
> than a key line or to from the message to which you're replying. The
> people (and other list denizens) reading your message already read the
> previous ones, same as you, and can dig them out of wherever they filed
> them if they want to read them again.

Exactly, only on slow or infrequent recipients do I include the whole previous
message as they may not ready have it available.

But on mailing lists where we all have all the emails in sequence and can
readily follow the threads it's really much better to trim it down to where
others can get an idea of what it is you are commenting on.

Not trimming is really is a big source for slowing down reading email. Keeping
it pertinent.


Steve Szmidt

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