Re: [SLUG] Thunderbird - Stop the scrap, snip by script

From: Eben King (
Date: Thu Jan 24 2008 - 17:18:18 EST

On Thu, 24 Jan 2008, chris lee wrote:

> On 24 Jan 2008 20:07:20 -0000, Robin - Bartow FL
> <> wrote:
>>> How'd you post without the list bumpf at the bottom? Unless that was
>>> sent to each of us individually (or just me) and you're better at
>>> forging headers than I am at reading them.
>> I'm no script junkie. But I recall years ago (in DOS) extracting all
> lines of file/s containing a given text string and sending those line/s
> to an output file. Filtering in, is the inverse of filtering out. I
> suspect just the text area of an email could be processed in a similar
> way. For example, inclusions, exceptions, and "exact text strings" are
> frequently used in search engines.
>> With differing email clients and user preferences, the host is the only
> non-variable that can create uniformity in what people see.
> luckily enough gmail snips quoted text,. top or bottom.

However, it doesn't un-spaghetti-fy posts where some have DTRT and some have
DTWT, nor does it rewrap and quote each line of an infinite-line-length

-eben      QebWenE01R@vTerYizUonI.nOetP
When we've nuked the world to a cinder, the cockroaches picking
over the remains will be crawling over the remaining artifacts
and wondering what "PC LOAD LETTER" means. -- PC / ASR
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