On Tue, 20 May 2008, Mike Branda wrote:
> Eben King wrote:
>> On Tue, 20 May 2008, Robin - Bartow FL wrote:
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> From: Eben King eben01@verizon.net
>>> To: slug@nks.net
>>> Sent: 5/19/08 1:26 PM
>>> Subject: Re: [SLUG] finding duplicates
>>>> On Mon, 19 May 2008, Mike Branda wrote:
>>>>> I've used this before with success. It's GPL. Works by MD5 sum on
>>>>> any file type. However, it seems it's java .jar now and I have the
>>>>> .sh version.
>>>>> http://freshmeat.net/projects/duplifinder/
>>>> An MD5 comparison only find exact bit-for-bit duplicates (supposedly).
>>>> It won't find transformations like a recode, or creation at a different
>>>> bitrate.
>>> The answer was better than the question
>>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Facsimile
>> Yeah, I'm not looking to find exact copies. I can already do that, because
>> it's easy. I want it to find files that sound the same, disregarding
>> bitrate, volume, all that jazz.
> Did you see the second link I posted that was geared more toward music? I
> posted both of them as your original message talked about "finding
> duplicates" and "too many images". I also saw the mp3 part but figured I'd
> throw both solutions out there so you could pick which suited your needs
> best.
> Here's the second one again if you missed it before.... as nothing has been
> said about it.
> http://freshmeat.net/projects/fdmf/
Yep, missed it. Thanks, that's what I'm looking for.
-- -eben QebWenE01R@vTerYizUonI.nOetP http://royalty.mine.nu:81 Are you confident that you appear to be professional in your electronic communication? Consider this: A: No Q: Can I top post? from nick@xx.co.uk ----------------------------------------------------------------------- This list is provided as an unmoderated internet service by Networked Knowledge Systems (NKS). Views and opinions expressed in messages posted are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of NKS or any of its employees.
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