[SLUG] fonts

From: Eben King (eben01@verizon.net)
Date: Thu Mar 05 2009 - 21:16:56 EST

I'm reading a PDF and it looks really awful. I have none of the fonts it
uses so Evince substitutes Courier (or a lookalike) for them all. I've got
overlapping letters, uneven spacing, the works. In File -> Properties,
Fonts I see that the missing fonts are Garamond-LightCondensed,
Helvetica-Condensed-Black, and so on. All are Type 1 and none are embedded
(except for something called "No name"). Is there a way to choose a
substitute mapping? Evince doesn't seem to let me.

-eben   QebWenE01R@vTerYizUonI.nOetP   http://royalty.mine.nu:81

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