Re: [SLUG] addendum (Romanian hackers)

From: Pamela J. Ashworth (webmail) (
Date: Thu Jun 18 2009 - 13:50:47 EDT

Jay was going thru the logs last night but I didn't get a full report as it was late. He did change the unbelievably stupid password and also disallow anyone from logging in as root over ssh and scp. (scp is going to be a problem, I just know it. between the tv screen monitor and the remote keyboard/mouse, sometimes the only way I have to move files is remotely with SCP. Isn't SAMBA installed? Jay asks. Nope, not entirely. How can you not entirely install SAMBA? I don't know. Some stuff is shared, some isn't. and I can never find my mouse cursor on that darn screen.)

anyway, hopefully he will come and investigate some more. it's actually time to upgrade several things, but he's been putting it off. and before we know it, it will be September, at which time it will be a royal pain to mess with the OS on a DVR.
(it's just that every time he upgrades - things break - for weeks)

Pam from Boston
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