Re: [SLUG] Open Source handwriting recognition application?

Date: Thu Jun 25 2009 - 14:34:11 EDT

Thus Paul Bransford hast written on Thu, Jun 25, 2009 at 01:39:53PM -0400, and, according to prophecy, it shall come to pass that:
> Sure, you'll wash your hands before you do your work. But it's easy to
> keep a pen sterile than a keyboard, and having to rewash every time you
> need to type something in...

Just to explore possibilities here, what about flexible, washable
keyboards and/or keyboard covers? MAybe soethgin that can be sprayed
with 50% alcohol solution.

Short of direct neural interfaces, I don't think anyone will ever come
up with an I/O method for raw data entry that is more efficient (in terms
of accuracy, correct interpretation, and speed) than a keyboard.

The interfaces in "Star Trek The Next Generation" seem to be more
efficient, but they're dealing with collected blocks of information, not
composition like typing this email.
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