Re: [SLUG] Open Source handwriting recognition application?

From: Pete Theisen (
Date: Thu Jun 25 2009 - 15:33:29 EDT

Paul Bransford wrote:
> Pete Theisen wrote:
>> R P Herrold wrote:
>>> On Mon, 22 Jun 2009, Pete Theisen wrote:
>>>>> Wow, I just had a brilliant idea! Teach the doctors to *type*! ;-}
>>>> There are some jobs that doctors just won't do.
>>> and the workspaces they work in are not suited for it, and it breaks
>>> flow of listening to patients with all senses, and keyboards are germ
>>> magnets and very hard to clean sufficiently. ....

>> If it is any help to you, I had a check list and the meanings of the
>> possible answers plotted out in OpenOffice. I would interview the
>> patient with a printout and then transcribe it afterwards into a report
>> of findings, but I didn't mind typing - still don't. The same thing
>> could be done with an electronic checkbox sort of thing, say with mouse
>> or stylus.
>> I always focused my practice on strengthening the immune system rather
>> than trying to have a germ-free environment. Actually, the different
>> germs counteract each other anyway. The anti-bacterial soap fad led to
>> an increase in nasty fungus infections, the bacteria keep fungi in
>> check. Kill bacteria and get fungus.
> While this is true, we are talking about a medical environment.
> All those little harmless things can lead to the death of a patient.
> After all, its not like it's normal life in there.
> You have people with compromised immune systems. Open wounds. The list
> goes on.
> You don't want to leave any of that to chance.
> Sure, you'll wash your hands before you do your work. But it's easy to
> keep a pen sterile than a keyboard, and having to rewash every time you
> need to type something in...

Hi Paul,

Nice theory. In reality the docs don't wash their hands very often when
seeing patients, I'm not talking about prepping for surgery and
procedures, just office visits where most of the interviewing and
history taking is done.

What you really have here is one of the objections docs offer to keep
the EMR projects at bay until they retire.

The check list software could work on a smartphone, but anything will be
a "germ magnet" as you put it. The germophobes were always carping at us
about our writing pens but heck, the whole room in a hospital or clinic
is crawling with germs, and always will be.


Pete ----------------------------------------------------------------------- This list is provided as an unmoderated internet service by Networked Knowledge Systems (NKS). Views and opinions expressed in messages posted are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of NKS or any of its employees.

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