[SLUG] Open Source handwriting recognition application?

From: R P Herrold (herrold@owlriver.com)
Date: Thu Jun 25 2009 - 16:37:04 EDT

On Thu, 25 Jun 2009, Pete Theisen wrote:

>> herrold:
>> of listening to patients with all senses, and keyboards are
>> germ magnets and very hard to clean sufficiently. ....

> If it is any help to you, I had a check list and the
> meanings of the possible answers plotted out in OpenOffice.

Some in the medical profession argue for 'active listening' to
the patient, to 'hear' more. See the books Complications: A
Surgeon's Notes on an Imperfect Science; and Better: A
Surgeon's Notes on Performance, by Atul Gawand; and How
Doctors Think by Jerome Groopman. All recommended.

> I always focused my practice on strengthening the immune
> system rather than trying to have a germ-free environment.
> Actually, the different germs counteract each other anyway.
> The anti-bacterial soap fad led to an increase in nasty
> fungus infections, the bacteria keep fungi in check. Kill
> bacteria and get fungus.

Anecdotes are all well and good for the parlor, but are not
science. I infer you follow a medical approach I would
choose to use nor submit one I loved to.

The local hospitals have meningitis, 'golden' staph, along
with the necrotic MISA <?> bacteria clusters, at the moment.

During a confinement oa a loved one for a week last year,
staff and doctors went to and from patients, restroom, and
keyboard without regloving, and without any effort at
sanitation, despite repeated complaint by attending family.
We won't be using that hospital any more.

Still the patient's choice, for the moment.

-- Russ herrold
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