Pete Theisen wrote:
> Hi Everybody,
> Verizon is worse, much worse than ever before. I turned them in to the
> FCC and they plain lied to the investigator. If I corner them
> dead-to-rights then they say it is because I use Linux.
I, too, have an FCC complaint pending against Verizon. It's about phone
number portability, not Linux, but their response to the FCC was still a
100% provable lie.
Years ago, I used Verizon because they were generally reliable and
despite inept customer service, their wireless and landline technology
worked well for me.
This is no longer true.
Here in Manatee County, my high-speed Internet connection choices are
basically Verizon or Brighthouse. Brighthouse is no winner, but seems to
be better than Verizon, at least for me.
Sarasota is Comcast country. Give an choice between Verizon and Comcast,
I don't know what I'd do. Move?
- Robin
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