Re: [SLUG] Dumping Verizon Internet for ???

From: Pete Theisen (
Date: Fri Sep 11 2009 - 11:40:19 EDT

Ken Elliott wrote:
> Just what is the issue? You make it sound like a "Linux thing" on the one
> hand, then it sounds like a connection issue (on/off 2 minute intervals).
> How do you know they are doing this on/off thing? Do you have a router
> between your computer and their box?

Hi Ken,

I know it isn't Linux, but that is their cop-out. Anything wrong with
anything, it is because I use Linux. I do have a router. I know the
connection is off because the light goes out. When it comes back on, I
am connected again. Sit there and time it with a watch or whatever.

> Verizon is worse, much worse than ever before. I turned them in to the
> FCC and they plain lied to the investigator. If I corner them
> dead-to-rights then they say it is because I use Linux.
> Spyware and viruses come in just fine, by they way. Since I have *no*
> Winders machines that isn't an issue, thank heavens. Curiously, there is
> hardly any spam, the only good thing about them.
> They are throttling me to about 50% or less whenever they want. That
> means you are on for two minutes then off for two minutes. That means
> that the $21 and change I pay per month is actually a rate of $42. In
> practical terms, whatever you are trying to download may or may not
> start again.
> I live in Sarasota so the choices are limited. I see listed AstroTel,
> Comcast, DayStar, Earthlink, GLNet, HamelTronics, Line Shark, Localnet,
> Nuvox, PeoplePC, and Savvis. There are a couple more that specifically
> say Bradenton so I won't bother with them unless I know they service
> Sarasota.
> Are *any* of these any good? They all *say* they are on 24/7 and they
> *always* give you the rated speed. They can tell any lie they want and
> the government lets them get away with, well, fraud, actually.
> Is anyone in Sarasota actually getting good Internet service? If so, who
> is providing it?


Pete ----------------------------------------------------------------------- This list is provided as an unmoderated internet service by Networked Knowledge Systems (NKS). Views and opinions expressed in messages posted are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of NKS or any of its employees.

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