Re: [SLUG] Cisco CCNA DVD... Windows crap

Date: Tue Feb 02 2010 - 14:16:10 EST

Thus Chuck Hast hast written on Tue, Feb 02, 2010 at 01:12:19PM -0500, and, according to prophecy, it shall come to pass that:
> > How big is cfm.exe?  As you said, it might only be a launcher, with the guts
> > of the DVD elsewhere (i.e. somewhere less obvious) in a format you can
> > handle.
> >
> Here is the layout of the whole DVD
> kp4djt@taquito:/media/CCNA_ICND1> ls -al
> total 2512

I've only bee half following this thread, so my appologies if this has
already been covered.

My understanding was that when you sign up for the class you get the
book and a CD/DVD with software on it that let's you setup a lab
environment on your computer. I.E. You can run the software and play
with the CLI/GUI of Cisco's various hardware and connect the virtual
pieces to test out various network configurations.

I may be remembering more than the truth here...

> -r-xr-xr-x 1 kp4djt root 168151 2006-07-17 06:02 CVM_Lab_03.pdf

Does this have anything useful in it?
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