Re: [SLUG] ISO silent computer

From: Eben King (
Date: Sun Mar 28 2010 - 22:24:19 EST

On Sun, 28 Mar 2010, Pete Theisen wrote:

> Eben King wrote:
>> On Sun, 28 Mar 2010, Eben King wrote:
>>> I would like a silent computer, running some flavor of *nix, and
>>> communicating wirelessly. I had an aquarium computer for a few days,
>>> until it developed a crack and dumped half its contents on the floor a few
>>> days ago. What a mess. Anyhow, I'm open to any suggestions, especially
>>> ones that are low cost and/or don't look like computers (but wouldn't look
>>> out of place in a bedroom). My friend has one of these:
>>> but at $300 it'll have to wait a while. So, what do y'all recommend?
>> I forgot to say: it doesn't need to be very powerful. Its main job is
>> playing MP3s, and a P1@75 or PPC601@66 can do that.
> Perhaps wife or gf has an MP3 player? Or, maybe your *own* MP3 player?

Yeah, but you can't ssh to it and stop/start songs, it can't use a SMB
server, you can't use cron to make it into an alarm clock of sorts, etc.

> I got one at Christmas time for $12 and tax. I guess an MP3 player is a
> computer of sorts.
> Using a real computer in bed is insomniac anyway.

No, I wouldn't use it in bed. I want silence when it's sleepy-time.

-eben      QebWenE01R@vTerYizUonI.nOetP

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