Re: [SLUG] computer-controlled outlet

From: Eben King (
Date: Thu May 27 2010 - 12:09:49 EDT

On Thu, 27 May 2010, wrote:

> Thus Eben King hast written on Thu, May 27, 2010 at 01:49:39AM -0400, and, according to prophecy, it shall come to pass that:
>> Hi, I'm looking for an outlet I can turn on/off under software control.
>> Does such a thing exist? I have a few applications in mind -- a
>> long-running script on my laptop/PDA that would automatically turn on the
>> charger at (say) 10% and off at 95%; and a cron job that would turn on my
>> lava lamps at $TIME1 and off at $TIME2 (they take a while to warm up).
> Back in the day, I bought the $5 starter pack from X10. (and got
> maketing emails for the next 3 years.)
> It has a remote, a wireless reciever with lamp plug, a second plug that
> will handls a bit more current, and a fig newton that plugs into a
> serial port. They're 2 prong outlets though.
> I had some pretty nice things setup to turn lamps on and off when people
> logged into AIM or when it was time for bed/to get up.
> I think X10 still sells that kind of stuff.

Are they usable by Linux, or are they Windows only?

-eben      QebWenE01R@vTerYizUonI.nOetP
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