Re: [SLUG] computer-controlled outlet

Date: Thu May 27 2010 - 13:04:47 EDT

Thus Eben King hast written on Thu, May 27, 2010 at 12:09:49PM -0400, and, according to prophecy, it shall come to pass that:
> >Back in the day, I bought the $5 starter pack from X10. (and got
> >will handlE more current, and a fig newton that plugs into serial port.
> Are they usable by Linux, or are they Windows only?

The "newton" is a serial pass through device that looks for specific
traffic and if it sees commands to turn on/off/dim it sends a wireless
signal of it's own. (I had bad things happen when I plugged my serial
trackball into it though.)

X10 calls this "Firecracker" and there's a linux command-line utility
"bottlerocket" to interface with it, and "rocket launcher" to provide a
"wish - Tcl/Tk" based GUI. I thought the GUI was horribly bloated.
Bottlerocket and rocket launcher are available as a debian package.

I seem to recall someone mentioning that bottlerocket worked better than
the windows software.
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