Re: [SLUG-POL] The lunatic state of california

From: R P Herrold (
Date: Fri Jun 15 2001 - 00:56:32 EDT

On Thu, 14 Jun 2001, Isaiah Weiner wrote:

> I have read it. I basically agree with you on many of the points he
> brings up (well, the major one at least), but I think you go about making
> an argument for it *REALLY* shittily (if that's a word).

By the way -- welcome back, Isaiah. Now to business ...

...going to the garage for a bit of petrol, and tossing a beer
bottle full into the center of the fire -- if the list were
still running under '', you might have not seen the
full version of that one invented adverb ... <g>

The occasion to resort to profanity is unfortunate -- the
flame would be much more effective in understated terms.
Something along the lines of:

   "Ah, yes. Well, I've read each with some care -- and have
   to wonder that you express so poorly something in which you
   seem to actually believe. Unfortunate ... perhaps a side
   effect of the poor school systems and infrastructure which
   Floridians have chosen to inflict upon themselves."

That way, the 'ad hominem' attack AND a libel of the state of
Florida might be combined in a more scathing fashion.

 ... Ian Fleming inbued James Bond with a preference for a
Martini, shaken not stirred; I prefer the objects of my
flamage to resemble well and evenly tanned marshmallows,
toasted over a campfire.

-- Russ

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