On Fri, Jun 15, 2001 at 12:56:32AM -0400, Russ Herrold wrote:
> On Thu, 14 Jun 2001, Isaiah Weiner wrote:
> > I have read it. I basically agree with you on many of the points he
> > brings up (well, the major one at least), but I think you go about making
> > an argument for it *REALLY* shittily (if that's a word).
> By the way -- welcome back, Isaiah. Now to business ...
> ...going to the garage for a bit of petrol, and tossing a beer
> bottle full into the center of the fire -- if the list were
> still running under 'vulgar.pl', you might have not seen the
> full version of that one invented adverb ... <g>
Yes, with a new list host came the omission of vulgar.pl. So curse away
if it makes you happy. Though my preference is for reasoned non-profane
discussion, rather than raw pornographic flamage.
On the SLUG list, though, I'll still bounce people who go beyond the
limits. _It_ has a charter.
> The occasion to resort to profanity is unfortunate -- the
> flame would be much more effective in understated terms.
> Something along the lines of:
> "Ah, yes. Well, I've read each with some care -- and have
> to wonder that you express so poorly something in which you
> seem to actually believe. Unfortunate ... perhaps a side
> effect of the poor school systems and infrastructure which
> Floridians have chosen to inflict upon themselves."
Just to show you I'm an equal opportunity libeler, I'll agree on the
dismal state of schools here in Florida. Fortunately, I wasn't educated
here. Also fortunately, it appears that Jeb Bush's reforms are slowly
biting. Infrastructure? Yeah, if you're talking about roads in
particular, it pretty much sucks. (Which was one of the great things
about LA: freeways _everywhere_!)
> That way, the 'ad hominem' attack AND a libel of the state of
> Florida might be combined in a more scathing fashion.
> ... Ian Fleming inbued James Bond with a preference for a
> Martini, shaken not stirred; I prefer the objects of my
> flamage to resemble well and evenly tanned marshmallows,
> toasted over a campfire.
I prefer mine gently warmed under a toasty shower head. ;-}
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