Re: [SLUG-POL] The lunatic state of california

From: R P Herrold (
Date: Fri Jun 15 2001 - 00:35:30 EDT

On Thu, 14 Jun 2001, Smitty wrote:

> Steve,
> Perhaps you are assuming that governments meticulously maintain their
> websites. Here is the source of my posting:

Smitty ... you might want to back peddle a bit; Looks like
you've been taken in by a bit of conspiracy theory creative


Then run:

The clues were there ...

The California Legislative bode is not referred to as
"California Stat legislature" -- it is the Califormia Assmebly

The claimed first person convicted was "Hector Flores" of

[herrold@swampfox herrold]$ truewho

Test of domain:

  Date: Fri Jun 15 00:20:01 EDT 2001

Interrupted system call while getting address for
[herrold@swampfox herrold]$

... and of course Flora and Fauna are plants and animals.

No city or town of Almohada, CA seems to exist -- "Almohada"
means 'pillow', but has a good California 'ring' to it.

The Legislative search engine for the last 10 year lacks any
member introducing bills under the name "Medlar"; see:

As I say, nice creative writing, but not anything to do with
the real world.

-- Russ

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