On Sat, Jun 16, 2001 at 11:13:36PM -0400, Smitty wrote:
> > I have copies of the DSM 3 and 4 here. If saying that about
> > psychiatry makes you feel better, I'm happy for you; there are countless
> > others it helps every day.
> I have yet to meet one of these "countless others" you speak about.
> The brutal treatments, electric shock, chemical straightjacket drugs,
> abusive practices, have harmed many people. I suggest you read some
> of Thomas Szasz's books.
I think you've watched "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" a few too many
times. I've never actually met anyone that wasn't a danger to themself who
was given a "chemical straightjacket" type drug, and whose guardians didn't
request it. You have three options for this type of patient -- a chemcial
straightjacket, a physical straightjacket, or six big men. Patients that
require one of those three usually have little regard for anyone else,
especially their therapist. I've spent a *considerable* amount of time in
the psychiatric ward of quite a few hospitals, accompanying my
father to see patients.
"Brutal treatments" is pretty vague . . .
"Electric shock" therapy hasn't been used by anyone sane for well over
a decade. Perhaps you should leave Florida. It has "interesting" laws
about committing patients against their will. :P
"Abusive practices" is pretty vague, too. I suggest you educate
yourself on the subject first hand (there are lots of places that let you
volunteer time and help these people) instead of reading someone else's
publication about it. Find out for yourself.
> Smitty
-- - Isaiah
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