Re: [SLUG-POL] The Lunatic state of California

From: Paul M Foster (
Date: Sun Jun 17 2001 - 03:22:22 EDT

On Sun, Jun 17, 2001 at 12:03:41AM -0400, Isaiah Weiner wrote:


> If you're alive, then you need treatment of some sort. No one is
> perfect and leads the perfect life, yielding the perfect body and mind.
> What you're saying is very similar to someone saying, "I have no problems"
> when the reality is, everyone has problems of one severity or another.

Ah, this is wonderful for the fields of psychiatry and psychology! More
and more and more money!

Does everyone have troubles? Hell yes! Life's a bitch. But to say that
everyone needs treatment is a way of saying that everyone is incapable
of handling their own problems. Great for the psychs. Not so great for
everyone else.

Here's a field that's been studying humans for decades and been given
scads of money. Yet the morals of this society have taken a nose dive
for those same decades. Oh that's right. Psychiatry and psychology don't
concern themselves with morals. Thus they study human behavior in the
absence of one of the most important factors which influence it. This is


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