This is from the SVLUG guy who ranted about our culture teaching us to
dislike/hate/reject other people. In this guy's universe, I wonder who
the _good_ guys are?
And as I predicted, he sympathizes with the communists. ;-}
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The Bible tells us to murder homosexual people, women who have
sex before marriage or who don't obey men, and people whose
religion is not Judeo-Christian. Its directives and doctrines
resulted in the murder of many millions of people in the witch
burnings, inquisitions, and crusades.
The culture of competitive sports tells us that it's much better
for our team to win than some other team, when in actuality neither
serves any purpose, and those on the other team are just people
like ourselves. This regularly leads to events such as soccer
riots and the use of injurious steroids.
Greedy, wealthy, conservative American capitalists (including the
grandfather of our unelected "President") financed 70% of Hitler's
military buildup, in order to destroy the Soviet Union and its
backing of socialism and labor unions around the world (which
would reduce the capitalists' profits). Thus they created World
War II, which resulted in the murders of some 100,000,000 people.
After WWII, these same men, and others like them, using the U.S.
government (which they control by propagandizing the voters by
means of the news media, which they own), destroyed democracy in
about fifty nations, so they could rob those nations' resources,
use their populations as slave labor, and prevent them from
creating a government and economy that benefited all the people
instead of the wealthy few. An example is the Vietnam War, which
involved the murder of some 4,000,000 people. [2]
Patriotism was used to program the American population in general,
and young men used as soldiers in particular, to carry out these
programs of mass murder, all for the profit of some men who were
(and are) already very wealthy.
And for relevance to the list, here's how Microsoft, by using
standard capitalist methods, killed the BeOS operating system, and
greatly slowed down the acceptance of GNU/Linux:
1. _Trading With The Enemy_, Charles Higham, 1983
_All Honorable Men_, James Stuart Martin, 1950
_Who Financed Hitler?_, James & Suzanne Pool, 1978
svlug mailing list
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