Paul M Foster wrote:
> This is from the SVLUG guy who ranted about our culture teaching us to
> dislike/hate/reject other people. In this guy's universe, I wonder who
> the _good_ guys are?
> And as I predicted, he sympathizes with the communists. ;-}
That's obvious from this comment (it wasn't that obvious form the other
one and I can't say that I agree with his views on the Bible). To this
end, I stand corrected.
Nevertheless, "Capitalism is the worst system know, but it's the best
system we have." Ideologically (as opposed to practically), Communism is
a much better system that capitalism - but it's also more narrow-minded,
a BIG fault in it's core. As my teacher would say, "music theory is not
music fact." I'll stop here because I really dont' want to get into this
now (I'm tempted though ;-) It's hard NOT to get into this... )
Maybe Alannis Morisette should have discussed this in the missnamed
> ----- Forwarded message from *** -----
> The Bible tells us to murder homosexual people, women who have
> sex before marriage or who don't obey men, and people whose
> religion is not Judeo-Christian. Its directives and doctrines
> resulted in the murder of many millions of people in the witch
> burnings, inquisitions, and crusades.
> The culture of competitive sports tells us that it's much better
> for our team to win than some other team, when in actuality neither
> serves any purpose, and those on the other team are just people
> like ourselves. This regularly leads to events such as soccer
> riots and the use of injurious steroids.
> Greedy, wealthy, conservative American capitalists (including the
> grandfather of our unelected "President") financed 70% of Hitler's
> military buildup, in order to destroy the Soviet Union and its
> backing of socialism and labor unions around the world (which
> would reduce the capitalists' profits). Thus they created World
> War II, which resulted in the murders of some 100,000,000 people.
> [1]
> After WWII, these same men, and others like them, using the U.S.
> government (which they control by propagandizing the voters by
> means of the news media, which they own), destroyed democracy in
> about fifty nations, so they could rob those nations' resources,
> use their populations as slave labor, and prevent them from
> creating a government and economy that benefited all the people
> instead of the wealthy few. An example is the Vietnam War, which
> involved the murder of some 4,000,000 people. [2]
> Patriotism was used to program the American population in general,
> and young men used as soldiers in particular, to carry out these
> programs of mass murder, all for the profit of some men who were
> (and are) already very wealthy.
> And for relevance to the list, here's how Microsoft, by using
> standard capitalist methods, killed the BeOS operating system, and
> greatly slowed down the acceptance of GNU/Linux:
> ***
> ***
> References:
> 1. _Trading With The Enemy_, Charles Higham, 1983
> _All Honorable Men_, James Stuart Martin, 1950
> _Who Financed Hitler?_, James & Suzanne Pool, 1978
> 2.
> _______________________________________________
> svlug mailing list
> ----- End forwarded message -----
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