> Yeah, you gotta wonder about the world view of a guy
> who thinks that
> christianity, sports, patriotism and capitalism
> teach us xenophobia and
> chauvinism. Sounds like a true blue communist to me.
That should be "true Red." ;)
Seriously, this is more like a ltra-leftist
anti-semite than communist (at least Marxist
communism). No, I _DON'T_ want to get into an
ideological argument here about communism vs.
capitalist vs. socialism vs. liberitareanism vs.
whatever else there may be. I just wanted to clear
something up; that there is HUGE difference between
communism and dictatorial socialism, which is what
"communist" countries have historically really turned
out to be. Unfortunatelly this has been convoluted by
such folks and events as the KKK, McCarthyism, and
Stalinist-like regimes and propaganda).
Communism - a good idea that doesn't work outside of
really really small communities, such as small
substance farming villages and communes.
What that guy described - chauvinism and ultra-ultra
"leftism" (for a lack of a better term. At least
leftism _tries_ to treat all as equals, which can
often lead to paradoxical beliefs).
~ Good evening, Mr. Gates
. . I'll be your server this evening.
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