Re: [SLUG-POL] RE: our freedoms

From: Paul M Foster (
Date: Sat Oct 13 2001 - 10:16:38 EDT

On Sat, Oct 13, 2001 at 03:06:08AM -0400, Maureen L. Thomas wrote:

> I for one have had this conversation at my work place on more than one
> occasion. Having survived the riots in Detroit (1966?), where the National
> Guard were on every corner, curfew at 6PM every night, shotgun at the front
> door and rifle at the back, my father on duty as a Police Officer, and my
> mother and myself home with no knowledge where he was or if he was even
> alive, say let them do what they have to do to catch every single one of
> them. I still remember the friends lost in Vietnam. My father fought in
> WWII. There are men and women ready, now, to give their lifes for our
> freedom.
> But, if we don't give up some of that almighty freedom now, will we remain
> the freedom loving country that we were before the Sept 11th horror? We
> need to allow the government to do the job they have to do now. Let them
> tap all phone lines of suspects. Let them do now what they must to ensure
> that our country stays free. I am willingly to give up what ever is
> necessary to erradacate these vile, cowardly, bastards from the face of the
> earth. I can always fight for my lost freedoms later. Maureen

You'll never get them back if you have to fight for them later. It's
incredibly difficult to put that kind of genie back in the bottle. And
Ben Franklin was absolutely right about trading freedom for security.
I'm sure the Framers would all have agreed with his statement. And those
freedoms are what separate us completely from the socialist governments
of Europe and the fascist governments elsewhere.

That said, though, the authorities do need the power to track criminals
effectively. Presumably, there is a balance possible. I doubt the
Framers anticipated a city block being obliterated in their largest
city. What they would have done in such a case in unknown.

Don't worry, Maureen, I'm with you in fully backing the police, FBI and
our troops. These folks have a hard enough time, and are
under-appreciated enough as it is.


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