Re: [SLUG-POL] RE: our freedoms

From: Robert Haeckl (
Date: Sat Oct 13 2001 - 15:58:29 EDT

I've read that some of the anti-terror legislation will carry a "sunset
clause" that is, in effect, an expiration date of 2-5 years. Anybody
know more about this?


"Maureen L. Thomas" wrote:
> I for one have had this conversation at my work place on more than one
> occasion. Having survived the riots in Detroit (1966?), where the National
> Guard were on every corner, curfew at 6PM every night, shotgun at the front
> door and rifle at the back, my father on duty as a Police Officer, and my
> mother and myself home with no knowledge where he was or if he was even
> alive, say let them do what they have to do to catch every single one of
> them. I still remember the friends lost in Vietnam. My father fought in
> WWII. There are men and women ready, now, to give their lifes for our
> freedom.
> But, if we don't give up some of that almighty freedom now, will we remain
> the freedom loving country that we were before the Sept 11th horror? We
> need to allow the government to do the job they have to do now. Let them
> tap all phone lines of suspects. Let them do now what they must to ensure
> that our country stays free. I am willingly to give up what ever is
> necessary to erradacate these vile, cowardly, bastards from the face of the
> earth. I can always fight for my lost freedoms later. Maureen

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